Monday, March 27, 2006

please don't return petulant endorser

~~~~~~~~~~~~~| i've unpleased
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my torrents
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my porn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| launderettes
to come
at a bad time
to come at a bad time |~~~~~~~ eluted transponder |~~~~~~~~~ your estral tenpounder |~~~~~~ turned pearlstone |~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~| and all pat-
~~~~~~| ronnes delustered
~~~~~~| by un-
~~~~~~| learnèd protest

give gold____________________(
to trapunto________________(
(to come at a bad time)_____________________

( and i've turned
( every penny
to an unplastered)

and entreat===============++++++========küss mich
thine sopped splendour===========++=========(küss)
in a postural================+==========(mich)

to whose rouletted spammer Meine Geliebte sagt:
  1. fortune is wise
  1. to the routinized wife, and the townies'
  1. soft surfeiting fury

- shame link fenestra

Thursday, March 23, 2006

your reputation is a tenuous priority

doesn't seem to be any enjoyment
you're biting me +++++++++++++++++ as uproarious entity
a dalliance secluded +++++++++++++++++++ prevents gracious jumpstart
the onerous bad guests +++++++++++++++++++++++ in pituitary due date
you shirk your iterations ++++++++++++++++++++ and up yours the toy puritan
noone's inertia +++++++++++++++++++++ soup-de-jours
trouty parisian ++++++++++++++++ oui-ouis the toon suitor
you come for the atmosphere,
intuit Euro-

arouse the pried
tuition pity no teatro_____________________________________
the creme de critique,
that's your rape in our era_________________________________
and the router
you trope in tunisia_________________________________________

a sudden ontario
______________________________________________uterus yip
the purity user's
and I as a clip must now
_____________________________________________rainspout posterity
you could've been airport

and as the tuned suture, Meine Geliebte sagt:

eruption you, routine you, syria opponent
the noisy toyota unites us

-parrot autopsy

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Brian kim Stefans (Nebraskan Misfit)

for Brian Kim Stefans

you may gout pecker me
for creek poem guts I decide
have coke egret ump
as shed gecko permutes us
or geometer puck lacing
|__________________{the getup creme ok
|______________\ergo cuke temp raises us
to self-fulfilled computer geek
or go peek rectum before us
like one's puce germ token of agency
and alas meek group etc _________|
who emote guck rep dependency ___|
or some greek cop mutes us____________|
then Meine Geliebte sagt:
silky dreidel
liar-idled sky
-Ha Say You

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Mystery Polak My Prolate Sky

""touch untouched
""""an outcry's douche cries out
""""""""""""""""""""""''''the step for all reception
""""""""""my mouse in someone's keyhole
"""""""""""""""""""""""there is never estral yolk
"""""my wall where you are shot at
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""and then the repast
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""its petal crowns no talker

"by ok psaltery Meine Geliebte sagt:

-----------------------friar's stalky
----------------in Poe's_________tin polyp
-------------you have------------my word
-----------------my keys-------patrol

-come October over

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

ne spread democracy pas (adamancy preprocessed)

rings up a freelanced hysteria(>$>$>$>$>$>$>)though no
dressed beau
refutes his ailing testimony
and when
the autumn ($)
sics autumn ($)
on autumn ($)---------------------($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
with precepts of felicity

in a brick as Meine Geliebte sagt:

}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the looted cushiony eyeful
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the flouncy studio eyehole
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the usefully honied coyote
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the shoofly yuletide ounce
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the heinously fooled cutey
~~~~~if only you could see the youthful colonised eye
~~~~~if only you could see the hooey solitude fluency
~~~~~if only you could see the colony's eyeful hideout
~~~~~if only you could see the chiefly duteous looney
~~~~~if only you could see the youthful sycee eidolon
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the dooley's youthful neice
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the election you'd housefly
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the dutifully echoey noose
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the heinously fleecy outdo
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the cloudy unisoft eyehole
~~~~~if only you could see the decoy housefly elution
~~~~~if only you could see the usefully noticed hooey
~~~~~if only you could see the outlined choosy eyeful
~~~~~if only you could see the needfully hooey coitus
~~~~~if only you could see the douche yet feloniously
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the useful looney theodicy
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the confusedly utile hooey
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the fluidounce hooey style
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the loy fluidounce eyeshot
}}}}}}}}}~~~~~if only you could see the diocese eon youthfully
~~~~~if only you could see the deceitfully hooey onus
~~~~~if only you could see the tenuously dooley chief
~~~~~if only you could see the feloniously teched you

-sloppy seconds and ours