please don't return petulant endorser
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| i've unpleased
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my torrents
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my porn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| launderettes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my torrents
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| my porn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~| launderettes
to come
at a bad time
========at a bad time
to come at a bad time |~~~~~~~ eluted transponder |~~~~~~~~~ your estral tenpounder |~~~~~~ turned pearlstone |~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~| and all pat-
~~~~~~| ronnes delustered
~~~~~~| by un-
~~~~~~| learnèd protest
give gold____________________(
to trapunto________________(
(to come at a bad time)_____________________
to trapunto________________(
(to come at a bad time)_____________________
( and i've turned
( every penny
to an unplastered)
and entreat===============++++++========küss mich
thine sopped splendour===========++=========(küss)
in a postural================+==========(mich)
thine sopped splendour===========++=========(küss)
in a postural================+==========(mich)
to whose rouletted spammer Meine Geliebte sagt:
- shame link fenestra
- fortune is wise
- to the routinized wife, and the townies'
- soft surfeiting fury
- shame link fenestra