Sunday, September 11, 2005

ask me not tanksome

his ability to grieve gave over, habilitation radio egregious

4. down to the blowns, wobbled onto Sundance

4. red creation width, twin two-wars

4. the liar's air guitar...............................................boob each-rapt

4. creepy spider forgave, dipping pearls in once

gorgon-lost mixed merger-we, in his fixed felicity-belt, in his faced

blanket kabala to backfires,

3. in the Dieppe
3. in the Seine
3. in the ink-blot timed
gelatin rations======================================
egg nog==========
sections off======================================
no missing tulip=====
Meine Ge-=============
liebte sa-==============
gt:.............(principle awareness his model-only letter guard
a strawberry safety charges)
... and the red down drowned.
-arme and amour


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